Solo female travel safety tips

10 Solo Female Travel Safety Tips That Actually Work

UPDATED FEB 2020. If you have been on a solo trip, or even brought up the idea of going on one, then I am sure you are familiar with the ‘world is a scary place’ comments that go with it. They’re not wrong either. The world can be a scary place and unfortunately, bad people do exist. That shouldn’t stop you from living a full life and exploring the world though. While you can’t stop bad people from doing bad things, you can reduce the likelihood of it happening to you. Prepare for your adventures with this jam-packed guide of real-world solo female travel safety tips that put the control back in your hands.

10 Solo Female Travel Safety Tips That Actually Work

Prepare for your trip with this guide of real talk, actionable and practical solo female travel safety tips that put the control back into your hands.


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1. Invest in self-defense classes

Before your trip, start taking self-defense classes. I used to do Krav Maga and cannot recommend it enough.

Krav Maga teaches you how to defend yourself against real-world situations, for example, someone trying to punch you in the head as opposed to a spinning back kick that you would learn in other martial arts.

The techniques use your natural instinct in situations which is why it is so beneficial. If you can’t find a Krav Maga club near you then try any self-defense class or something like Jiu-Jitsu.

2. Invest in your safety

Simply put, traveling costs money. Your safety is the most important investment when it comes to your travel costs.

The example that comes to mind as I write this is the two backpackers who slept in their parked car in Alice Springs in 2012 only to be woken up at gunpoint by a group of men who subsequently took turns raping both women.

Don’t put yourself in situations like this just to save a little money.

It’s not worth it.

Book yourself a room in a good location, pay for a taxi if you are out late instead of walking, and, if you can’t afford to travel, then don’t travel.

I use to find accommodation when I am traveling and can always read the reviews to find a reliable place and a good deal there.

Solo female travel safety tips

When it comes to solo female travel safety tips, self-defense classes will help with confidence and skills.

3. Tell someone where you’re going

It’s good to tell someone your general plan for the day and how long you anticipate being out just so that someone is tracking your whereabouts.

It only takes a minute to send a quick text before you go out for the day, then check in again when you return.

Doing this makes sure at least one person knows your whereabouts in case of an emergency.

4. Walk with purpose

How you hold yourself sends a clear message to people around you so it’s important to be mindful of the message you are sending.

Whether we like it or not, people are watching. People with ill-intent are more often than not looking for easy targets.

Why would they make their task harder than it needs to be?

While you are traveling solo, stand up straight and walk with a poker face of confidence. Walk as if you know exactly what you are doing and where you are going, even if you are lost and trying to get your bearings.

A resting bitch face is also very useful. Sometimes women feel as though they need to be smiley and likable – how many times have you been told ‘you should smile more’? Let that go because in this situation walking with a bitch face helps work as a deterrent for the attention you don’t want anyway.

5. Don’t look like a lost solo female traveler

This goes with the above point of what message you are displaying through your behavior.

Try to blend in a little and avoid the obvious tourist look. If you are lost, stop into a coffee shop to grab a drink, look at your map, and ask the staff for directions if you need to.

If you stand in the street with your big map out it’s basically like wearing a sign on your head that says ‘easy target’.


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6. Use common sense

Have you ever seen a scary movie where the soon to be victim makes a stupid decision and puts themselves in danger for no good reason?

Don’t be that person.

Part of keeping yourself as safe as possible while traveling solo comes down to using your common sense.

Don’t put yourself in high risk, compromising situations like walking the streets in the early hours of the morning, going back to a stranger’s house, and walking in shady areas of town or empty side alleys.

By all means, have some fun, but never get drunk if you’re out on your own. These things just make you more vulnerable.

7. Wear comfortable shoes and comfortable clothes

When I worked for corrections I remember going to do my first home visit to a parolee. My manager said ‘wear shoes you can run in, just in case’.

I have always kept that in mind when traveling because, worst-case scenario, if someone is chasing you, you won’t be able to outrun them or fight back in high heels or restrictive clothing.

These are also things that make you look like an easy target so keep your outfit choices as practical as they are fashionable.

8. Be aware of your surroundings

One of the biggest lessons in Krav Maga was avoidance.

The self-defense skills are taught as a last resort while the first principle is to make all efforts to avoid the situation in the first place.

For example, if you are walking down the street and a shady group of people are walking up the street towards you, your first move should be to cross to the other side of the street, or go into one of the local businesses to avoid that situation turning into one where you have to defend yourself.

You can’t notice your surroundings if you are looking down at your screen or listening to loud music in your headphones though.

Ditch the distractions as much as possible while you are out and about and pay attention.

9. Keep emergency information handy

This one is not only important for solo female travelers but all travelers really.

Save emergency numbers for the destination in your phone so that you can act quickly in case of an emergency.

I also recommend saving the number for your hotel in your phone too.

Another handy tip is to have an electronic copy of your important documents – like your passport, ID, and bank card. You could also have a paper back-up copy that you keep separately to your hard copies if you prefer that to online copies.

Lastly, it can also be helpful to learn a couple of emergency phrases in the local language.

10. Trust your gut

When it comes to solo female travel safety tips, this is the most important. Above all else, trust your gut.

Your intuition is a powerful force. Listen to it. Listen to that little voice inside you and that little feeling in the pit of your stomach that tells you when something is a bad idea. Or even when something just feels off.

And don’t just listen, act. If your spidey senses start tingling like something doesn’t feel right, remove yourself from that situation. Don’t worry about how you look or if it offends anyone, just get out.

Put your safety as the first priority.

Book recommendation

I recently read The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker and think it is a must-read for every solo female traveler.

Like this post, it is also full of real-world, practical and actionable advice to help you stay safe.

Other solo female travel safety tips and guides

If you found this useful, return the favor by sharing it or following me on Instagram!


  • Katrina Luder February 25, 2017 at 8:49 am

    Yesss I agree with all of these, especially ‘don’t look like a tourist’ … if you look confident, you appear like a local! Great tips and great read

    • Katie Mac February 28, 2017 at 10:14 am

      Thanks so much Katrina!

  • Kristine | The Petite Wanderess February 25, 2017 at 9:02 am

    I came here half-expecting generic pointers (sorry!) but ended up taking mental notes of your tips! Practical and insightful, good points for my next solo trip. Thanks for them!

    • Katie Mac February 28, 2017 at 10:14 am

      That’s such a cool compliment, thanks for making my day Kristine!

  • Kyntra Strickland February 25, 2017 at 4:22 pm

    These are great tips! Another rule I have is not to get drunk. I’ve heard terrible things that started with not being careful when going out at night. Thanks for sharing.

    • Katie Mac February 28, 2017 at 10:13 am

      YES!!! I agree with this so much!

  • Sheena February 25, 2017 at 5:59 pm

    Great Post and very informative. I think it makes for a great read!

    • Katie Mac February 28, 2017 at 10:13 am

      Thanks so much Sheena!

  • Agness of eTramping April 3, 2017 at 9:40 pm

    These are some very helpful and motivational tips, Katie! I needed them so badly!

    • Katie Mac April 7, 2017 at 9:51 am

      Thanks Agness! Glad to have been able to help 🙂

  • Nadya September 29, 2018 at 7:17 am

    Jiu jitsu is another great martial arts course! Its the one I took, and I’ve never regretted it. None of those ridiculous high kicks, we focused on knees and groin. Your other tips are fantastic! I wasn’t sure what to expect from this. Usually, I’m the only one recommending self-defence courses. Thanks for a brilliant article!

    • Katie Mac October 2, 2018 at 10:27 am

      Yeah, I probably would’ve chosen Jiu Jitsu if I didn’t do Krav Maga. It looks like another good one for self-defence. Thanks so much for reading my blog!

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